Philipp Öttl’s start in Australia still uncertain

It is currently unclear whether WSBK rookie Philipp Öttl can take part in the season finale of the Superbike World Championship on Phillip Island (Australia). The German Ducati rider crashed at the last event in Mandalika (Indonesia) and was classified as unfit for the second main race after his highside in the first race.

Compared to Sunday, Öttl feels better, but is not yet completely fit. “I’m not 100 percent sure I can drive. I’m reasonably well. I had a medical check-up, but my condition will be reassessed on Friday before FT1,” explains the GoEleven driver.

“Today I will try to do some sport. If it doesn’t have any consequences, then I will take part in FT1 and have another check-up afterwards. It’s not what I was hoping for in the season finale, but after the crash in Mandalika I felt strange on Sunday,” says Öttl.

“Now I hope it will be okay. Phillip Island is a great circuit and it suits my Ducati perfectly. I’ve never ridden a big bike here,” notes the former Grand Prix rider.

Philipp Öttl was one of three drivers who got injured at the WSBK event in Mandalika. First up was factory Honda rider Iker Lecuona, who is out for the rest of the season after his crash in FT2. Lucas Mahias (Puccetti-Kawasaki) also crashed but was able to compete again in Australia.
