Philip Freriks tour guide during new listening tour in Frederiksoord

Take a bike ride and at the same time be informed about the history of the free Colonies of Benevolence. It is possible, because after Veenhuizen, Museum de Proefkolonie in Frederiksoord now also comes with its own listening tour, recorded by presenter of De Slimste Mens Philip Freriks.

The former newsreader is himself a descendant of someone from the Colonies. “Like a grandma, but from a few centuries ago,” he explains. Her story is part of the listening tour. The route itself is 26 kilometers long, which takes about 2.5 hours.

“In Veenhuizen, the museum was unable to open because of corona. We then came up with the idea of ​​taking a listening tour,” says Peter Sluiter, director of both museums. “They sold like hot cakes. Then it is obvious that we also try it in Frederiksoord.”

All that was missing was a voice to record the listening journey. The museum eventually ended up with Freriks because of his connection with the Colonies. “It is of course very nice that I was asked for it,” he continues. “I often do this kind of chores and I will of course remain a storyteller.”

According to Freriks, his grandmother was the black sheep of the family. “She had sixteen children and all from another man. Of course that didn’t go well and then she ended up in Frederiksoord. In the end she even ended up in Veenhuizen, it was a rascal.”

An impression of the listening tour (story continues below the video):
