Philharmonie is looking for musicians for very first Symphonic Mob | 1Limburg

The South Netherlands Philharmonic will collaborate in a special way with amateur musicians from the region.

On the weekend of 18 and 19 June, the symphony orchestra is organizing a so-called Symphonic Mob, a phenomenon that has come over from Germany in which a ‘spontaneous’ concert is given in public space.

The orchestra invites amateurs of all ages to play along. Strings, wind players, percussionists, everyone is welcome, regardless of level. “Even a full remake can and may participate”, says project leader Audrey Staaks.

“We are looking for about 200 musicians. Together with the 50 professional musicians of the Philharmonie, we will have an orchestra of 250 people. Under the leadership of chief conductor Duncan Ward, they will play five songs. We also have simplified parts for people who have less mastery of their instrument, it’s really about the fun of making music together.”

rehearsal day
The occasional orchestra will perform in the city center of Maastricht on Sunday 19 June. “There is also a rehearsal day for people who would like to, but musicians can also only come on the day itself. All we ask is that you register,” says Staaks. The performance is expected to last half an hour.

music culture
The Symphonic Mob is the successor to the HAFA concerts, in which the philharmonie has performed in recent years together with concert and fanfare orchestras from the region. Staaks: “In this way, even more music associations and amateur musicians will have the opportunity to collaborate and make music with the professional musicians of the South Netherlands Philharmonic. Together we will show the music culture of our region. Especially after this difficult period, we let everyone see that we are still there. We are doing this for the first time now, but in the future we hope to be able to make this even bigger.”
