Pharmacists warn that 700 medications can aggravate the effects of heat

Some promote dehydration or loss of electrolytes, as is the case with diuretic drugs, and others affect kidney function, among other side effects

The General Council of Pharmaceutical Associations (CGCF) has warned that about 700 drugsout of a total of 2,000, can aggravate the effects of the heat wave in health, by favoring dehydration, affecting kidney function or reducing sweating.

This is what the CGCF points out this Tuesday in a statement detailing that these drugs are dispensed in up to 7,000 authorized presentations, which means about 50% of a total of 15,000 that exist in community pharmacies, and warn that in the face of the heat wave you have to be attentive to the conditions of use and maintenance.

It is a recommendation from pharmacists after learning of the latest Daily Mortality Monitoring (MoMo) report from the Carlos III Health Institute, dependent on the Ministry of Health, which estimates that there have been 2,176 deaths attributable to high temperatures during the month of July.

Drugs that can aggravate the effects of heat

Some promote dehydration or loss of electrolytes, as is the case with diuretic drugs. While others affect the functionality of the kidney, such as anti-inflammatories, some antihypertensives or some antidiabetics.

Also, there are drugs that interfere with our body’s heat loss mechanisms. These are those that reduce sweating, such as antihistamines, antidepressants or drugs for Parkinson’s.

Also, there are those who decrease the dilation of blood vessels in the skina mechanism that promotes heat loss, as occurs with nasal decongestants or migraine drugs.

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Finally, there are drugs that can directly increase body temperaturesuch as antipsychotics for schizophrenia, certain antidepressants or antitussive drugs such as dextromethorphan, or pain relievers such as tramadol.

Pharmacists recommendations

In the event that any of these are taken medications during the summerprofessionals recommend drinking about two liters of water and other liquids, as well as increasing the consumption of foods such as fruits and vegetables.
