Pets: The new premium services to take care of them

For the vast majority who live with a pet, this is part of the family. She is one more member and that is how she cares for him and loves him. In fact, many have stopped talking about “owners”, to become the “humans” of their animals, emphasizing that there is no possession in the bond. What there is, instead, is more and more protection and care. That is why different services and treatments have emerged that help deal with stressful situations, such as removals; the new normal post pandemic or even one possible loss.

cross borders

In recent years, many have decided move to another country. And when that decision includes a dog or a cat, there are certain precautions to take.

Born 20 years ago, Animal Cargo is an enterprise that provides a comprehensive pet transportation service at a national and international level and has helped more than 30,000 families. “We have the ability to adapt to complex, diverse and dynamic environments, and sometimes we use our imagination to find creative solutions to obstacles”, illustrates Favio Cangiano, CEO of the company. Member of the International Association for the Transport of Animals and Pets (IPATA), they have 40 professionals in the team (including veterinarians), and their service includes land, ship and air transfers, dealing with paperwork and managing sanitary papers and monitoring during the trip.

The most interesting thing, however, is what happens in terms of adaptation of the animal. The first thing is to advise the client on whether it is the best cabin or cellar for their pet and demystify the idea that taking it with them is always better. Then work begins with the animal: “we provide the box some time before and a professional explains to the family how to build trust with that space,” says Cangiano. In order to reduce the inevitable stress of any move, from Animal Cargo they try to accompany the owner with clear information to know what to expect at each stage of the process and, to the animal, with training that makes it easier to feel the transport box as its refuge. “We also recommend minimizing travel time, opting for a plan adapted to the requirements of each family,” adds the CEO.

cat on trip

animal new normal

The return to attendance is another factor that affected pet stress in the last moment. After months of being accompanied throughout the day, many had to adapt again to being alone for several hours and it was not easy for them. Even given the high rate of adoptions during quarantinemultiple pets had never been left alone in their new homes.

“Four out of five Argentines live with at least one animal, and the greatest cause of stress is linked to the need for their human guides to leave them alone. This triggers a vast list of behavioral, clinical and relational complications for both”, describes Marcela Pala, psychologist and technician in assisted intervention from Bocalan Argentina, a civil association that trains and delivers assistance dogs.


And how to deal with this dilemma? First of all, calm down. The idea is to train the animal by repeated routines daily. “A dog that knows his routine is a less anxious dog and, therefore, with less somatic and bonding commitment, since he can anticipate what is coming,” says the expert. These routines may involve walks, games, scheduled grooming, socializing, and creating a preferred spot for a den or safe zone. There are also treatments that can complement this, such as aromatherapy, homeopathy, nutritional therapy, bond re-education and the use of designer toys with anti-stress functions. On this last point there are even consoles for dogs, such as the Clever Pet, which offer games and challenges to keep them stimulated.

As to the cats, the new normality did not affect them as much as the confinement of the quarantine. Used to having their own spaces, they were suddenly invaded 24/7 and this stressed them out. Now, in more regular times, their stressors can be a move, the arrival of a baby in the house, works and refurbishments in the space, visits from guests or improper handling by their owners. Alejandra López Irala, a specialist in feline welfare and part of the Pawnia pet shop team, recommends anticipating these types of situations and putting together plans to contain the animal. This may include a visit to the veterinarian and to an expert in her discipline, who will generate a work plan and perhaps use tools such as Bach flowers and synthetic pheromones. “The cat is an animal of routines. If we can adjust them and also provide visual, olfactory and environmental enrichment, giving it inside what nature gives it outside, we will have an excellent pet,” says López Irala.


looking for a pet

Finally, one of the most stressful circumstances for both humans and animals is loss. Dogs or cats that run away from home or jump out of cars or get loose from their walkers cause anguish on a daily basis, and for those cases there are also tailored solutions. Like the one that Agustín Chechi devised when in 2018 he lost Moro, his German shepherd. “As I have a marketing agency with some partners, it occurred to me to make an advertising pattern in the area where it was lost, about 3 kilometers around. And the diffusion was so great that a few days later it appeared”, he says. A few months later Wako was born, an enterprise that helps recover lost pets with the same modus operandi.

“Being a digital business, we can provide service all over the world and we focus on Latin America and Spain. What surprised us the most was the number of people from abroad who called us, in Mexico the repercussion was incredible”, they say from the company, which today already has 20 full-time employees. They receive some 560 contracts per month and offer different types of plans in terms of price and distribution of the animal. The effectiveness of the search depends a lot on the number of days the pet has been missing. “If we look for it in the first three days, our service is 80% effective,” says Chechi. The passage of time increases the chances that the animal has moved away on its own or that it has been stolen. “Although we have also found some who had been missing for a month or two. And even a parrot!” encourages the entrepreneur. A natural part of the family, you never have to lower your arms when it comes to caring for your most unconditional companions.

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