Petrol price finally falls | Financial

According to consumer collective UnitedConsumers, the national average suggested retail price for gasoline on Friday could be 1.4 cents lower than today. The last time the gasoline price fell from day to day was February 18. Diesel is expected to rise slightly in price.

The organization bases this on the recommended prices that five major oil companies give daily to filling stations, of which the average is calculated. The new recommended price of one oil company is still missing, so this is a preliminary estimate.

On Thursday, the average national suggested retail price for petrol is EUR 2.502 per litre. Diesel costs 2.375 euros per liter and LPG 1.315 euros. Usually only gas stations along the highway charge the suggested retail prices. In other locations, gas stations often offer discounts.

The MSRP cut follows the sharp drop in oil prices on Wednesday, when there was some optimism about high-level negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. However, the talks in Turkey did not yield a strong result. A barrel of Brent oil, indicative of oil prices in Europe, among others, became slightly more expensive on Thursday evening.
