Petri Pasanen made a drastic change

The former top soccer player Petri Pasanen was very public during his playing career. When it comes to TV work, he is a huge screen favorite, having taken over the World Hockey Championships in Maikkar’s broadcasts. What happened?

Restrained, withdrawn and curmudgeon.

That’s how you could describe the former top soccer player Petri Pasanen publicity image during playing career.

– When I went abroad in 2000, I wanted to maintain a certain kind of profile in public. I was consistent with the line I chose until the end. I’m not saying that at 19 I knew how to think like that, but that’s how it went. It was safe and easy to be, and there was no need to think, Pasanen, 42, says.

He created a handsome career that lasted 14 seasons in the European major leagues, outside the Finnish media radar.

– If I could tell my young self now, I would encourage to be more outgoing and brave. Nothing bad will happen. No need to be careful.

Why were you careful?

– One thing happened at the beginning of my career. It left a few traces, Pasanen answers, and does not want to elaborate on the matter.

Crazy excitement

Petri Pasanen, 42, has been working in Maikkar’s football broadcasts since 2018. First he was an expert and from 2020 a presenter. MTV Oy / Onni Ojala

At the end of 2013, Pasanen met the dynamo of Yleisradio’s football broadcasts at a mutual friend’s birthday. Antti Ennekarin. He suggested that Pasanen work as an expert commentator for the state television during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Pasanen returned from abroad for the summer of 2014 to join FC Lahti and agreed to Ennekar’s proposal.

– I was really nervous.

Lahtelainen convinced the viewers right from the first live broadcasts. He was sweet, funny and knowledgeable. The public image of the brash football player changed completely.

– A person’s personality does not change in adulthood. My personality can show outwardly as humor, sarcasm or insights.

Ruutu-Pasanen is therefore closer to the real Petri Pasan than futis-Pasanen.

– I consider myself a friendly and considerate fellow who likes to laugh at things. I’ve always had a little rebel and a little thinker in me.

The playing career ended in 2015 and Yleisradio’s door slid shut in 2018. It was time to move to pöllolaakso.

Without aids

During his playing career, Petri Pasanen did not enjoy media events. PDO

– Now it has come to the point that the broadcasts are not exciting at all. I’ve been thinking about what happens in the brain: first there’s a lot of excitement until it stops completely.

A script is prepared for TV broadcasts, a schedule in professional language. In addition, the TV producers may have a paper slip and many read the pre-scripted text on the studio screen.

Pasanen partially follows the script, but mostly he improvises.

– I have enjoyed immensely. It took a year for me to internalize the rhythm of the broadcasts. After that, I just let it go – and it’s charming. Now you enjoy when you are not stressed. You can try something new and be spontaneous, says Pasanen.

– What is common to a sports career is that I take the job seriously and all things serve this, he adds.

In 2020, when Ile Uusivuori gave way to the job of the studio host of Maikkar’s football broadcasts, the position was offered to Pasane.

– The heart said yes in a second, the mind thought for two seconds and said yes.

Get hold of the puddle

Pasanen created a handsome international career. He played for Werder Bremen and Ajax, among others. PDO

In the eyes of the viewer, the first year in the studio host’s job was not particularly smooth. It seemed like a great expert is going to waste.

Work thanks the worker.

Nowadays, Pasanen is an excellent studio host of sports broadcasts. He has been compared to a British legend to Gary Linekerwho has forged a similar career at the BBC.

– Maybe it’s obvious to compare with Lineker. It doesn’t touch me that way, although of course I see why he’s so popular. Peter Schmeichel There is something similar in Denmark.

This year, the hosts of Maikkari’s hockey broadcasts suggested that Pasanen take over the role of studio host of the World Cup.

– In football, I am completely in my comfort zone. This is something new, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter whether I play football, ice hockey, yankee football or billiards.

To generalize roughly, the Finnish soccer team looks down on the latäkä team: we are talking about important kendo players.

– Nokittelu tells about caring for one’s own species. I am a former athlete and a sportsman through and through. When I’m not participating in my own sport, it’s great to show respect to, for example, ice hockey: you have a wonderful sport, so be happy about it, Pasanen announces.

– There are great guys in ice hockey. It’s been nice to notice that even though I’m a football player, I’m really well received in other sports too, he adds.

Lahtailainen’s career development in media work has been fast. It would not be surprising if there was a demand for performance skills outside of sports broadcasts as well.

– As a soccer player, I found my own limits. There is no specific goal in this work. Let’s see if there will be a point where someone says that now the limit has been met.

Who is she? This is how World Cup ice hockey players were recognized in Tampere Jussi Saarinen
