Petition must still provide a guardrail at the place where Sanne and Hebe died

The party Interest of the Netherlands (BVNL) has started a petition for a crash barrier at the Empel junction. That’s where Hebe and her companion Sanne died in October when they went off the road. According to BNVL, a crash barrier can prevent more suffering at that location.

Last week, the House of Representatives voted against a motion by BNVL to install a crash barrier. On the advice of Minister Harbers of Infrastructure, the coalition parties voted against an extra piece of guardrail at the Empel junction.

According to Lisa van Ginneken of D66, this motion was not recommended by the minister because it costs money, without there being any cover for it. “And we followed the minister in that assessment,” said Van Ginneken last week.

Belang van Nederland (BVNL) finds it incomprehensible that a narrow majority of the House of Representatives has rejected the motion.

Even stranger
BVNL Member of Parliament in Brabant, Eric de Bie, finds it all the more strange, because Minister Harbers has previously said that a crash barrier would be installed if the road were built now.

“Not erecting a crash barrier is asking for new victims and that is unacceptable,” said De Bie, who hopes that a massively signed petition will still lead to a crash barrier. “Accident prevention should be a top priority.”

On the connecting road at the Empel junction there is a crash barrier on the right, but not on the left. According to Rijkswaterstaat and the responsible minister, the connecting arch does not emerge as a very dangerous location in an annual analysis.


Now there would be a guardrail at the disaster site where Hebe and Sanne died

Cars in the water in the same place as the fatal crash of Sanne and Hebe before
