Petition against shielding the light of the Ostend lighthouse: “Bluff mejje fik’n van uus torre”

Petition against shielding the light of the Ostend lighthouse: “Bluff mejje fik’n van uus torre”

‘No to shielding the lighthouse in Ostend’, that is the title of the petition against the light foil on the windows of the lighthouse in Ostend. Many Ostend residents find it unacceptable that the light has been partly dimmed after apartment residents from Oosteroever had complained about light nuisance.

“Our Lange Nelle, icon on our coast since 1949, protected as a monument since 2004 and designated as architectural heritage since 2009, is being wronged so much,” it sounds.

Test solution

Nevertheless, the Flemish Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services ensures that the light is not extinguished and that a beam continues to shine over the sea and the city. Thanks to the foil, some residents would experience less nuisance from the “bright light”.

This is a temporary test solution that will be evaluated later.

7,500 signatures

The petitioners want to collect 7,500 signatures, for the time being they are already above 6,000.

“We need to send a clear signal,” he said. “By your torre must they bluff! Long live the torre of Ostende, you can see it or where you blende… but now just a little less unfortunately.”

Explanation requested

Mayor Bart Tommelein asks for more information about the pilot project. The city of Ostend was not involved in the temporary arrangement, which has apparently already been approved by Onroerend Erfgoed, it says in a press release.

“We asked MDK for all the information, so that we get a correct view of the facts. They will provide it to us and have since assured us that an evaluation is planned in a few weeks anyway,” says Tommelein.
