Petition against construction project Broelparking: “No participation”

Petition against construction project Broelparking: “No participation”

A neighborhood action committee urgently wants a master plan with a clear vision for the future.

“Project Too Big”

The city wants to build houses and apartments of 7 floors on the site of the former Orangerie. But the province refused the permit because there would be too little green. The city is now selling an extra plot to the client in the hope of being able to meet this requirement. Local residents think the project is too big. They want more clarity. The topic will also come before the city council tonight.

Paul Vandaele of Buurtcommissie Save Parking Broel: “We expect that the project would be part of a master plan. A master plan, approved by the city council. That all projects that would come close to this area, which is also the wish of the residents, would be tested. That is the core.” – Aldermen Maddens had also promised to give you a say in the project here at the Broeltorens car park, did that actually happen? “Well, we have been together for the last time since July, he had promised before the end of the year. March came and we were allowed to swallow that. We had no say whatsoever. The plan was arranged: the furnishing vision.”
