‘Peter van der Vorst will lose his job if Matthijs makes the mistake again’

Peter van der Vorst will lose his job as TV director of RTL if Matthijs van Nieuwkerk makes a mistake again, media critic Victor Vlam expects. “So there will be supervision.”

© RTL/Tom Cornelissen

It is starting to annoy media critic Victor Vlam a bit that so much focus is being placed on Matthijs van Nieuwkerk and whether or not he can return to television. According to him, it is evident that the television star will never make a mistake again, because he now knows that everyone is paying attention to him. “I’m getting a bit tired of all this analysis.”

Completely repentant

Matthijs has really changed, Victor expects. “Do you know what it is?” he says in his podcast The Communicados. “I just don’t think he’ll ever do it again and it’s not because he’s been reformed as a person or because he’s completely repented, because I think it’s very difficult to change personality later in life.”

He continues: “No, I believe it will never go wrong again, because there is a very strong incentive is to never do it again, namely: the moment he crosses the line even a little bit again, then a) there is a very good chance that it will be in the media and b) the consequences are enormous, because then it really is the end of your career.”

‘Vorst loses job’

And not just for him, says Victor. “Also for the top of RTL. If it turns out that Matthijs van Nieuwkerk has again behaved like a tyrant, then Peter van der Vorst will lose his job, Sven Sauvé may lose his job and the people at MediaLane at the top should also fear for their jobs.”

MediaLane is the company of the daughter of Joop van den Ende. “Nobody would want to do business with that production company if that came out. The incentives are there to keep a very strong eye on what is happening. In fact, Matthijs van Nieuwkerk is under guardianship and will remain so for the rest of his career.”

Necessary clauses

Co-host Lars Duursma thinks that Matthijs also had a serious warning. “RTL will have included the necessary clauses in this area in its employment contract. That’s normal zero tolerance: one violation and it means exit from RTL without payment of his salary.”

And that is effective, says Lars. “Then you have a strong stick behind the door that will do more than anything that may be contained in a Van Rijn report.”
