Peter Stevens new CDA alderman Gennep | 1Limburg

Peter Stevens will be the new alderman of the CDA in Gennep. He is a former alderman in the former Brabant neighboring municipality of Boxmeer.

Stevens succeeds Rob Peperzak. At the end of April, he indicated that he did not aspire to a second term. His age of 71 and the fact that he has problems with his hearing played a role in this.

With Stevens, the CDA in Gennep says it has chosen someone with extensive administrative and political experience. Stevens was alderman in Boxmeer from 2015 to the end of 2021. On January 1, 2022, that municipality was merged into the large merger municipality of Land van Cuijk. Stevens is a member of the city council. The resident of the core of Vortum-Mullem is stepping down from that position now that he has become an alderman in Gennep.

Residential building
Stevens will be responsible, among other things, for the substantial housing target that has been agreed in the coalition agreement between CDA, VVD and the local party Elsss. “With him we expect to have found someone with content and quality who can implement this task in a decisive manner”, according to the CDA-Gennep.

In Boxmeer, Stevens was also responsible for public housing and spatial planning. The CDA further describes Stevens as someone who comes from the region and is therefore well versed in the challenges involved.

Peter Stevens will be installed with the two other aldermen in the city council meeting on 30 May. Those two are Janine van Hulsteijn (VVD) and Frank Pubben (ELsss).
