Peter Pannekoek: useful to have conversations with Lange Frans | Stars

Lange Frans and Pannekoek had a conversation about corona policy, among other things, which they both think differently. “I thought it was pretty good, especially now that corona has ended, to start those conversations,” says Pannekoek. “It always makes sense to look someone in the eye and talk about it.”

Friction arose between the two men as a result of Pannekoek’s New Year’s Eve conference, in which he described Lange Frans as “the only rapper with whom you can hear dyslexia in the songs.” He also said: “If you trust Lange Frans more than the doctor, fine. But I also think: in the future, if you suffer from something, you don’t go to the hospital. Then you go to Dr. Lange Frans. Who doesn’t believe in drugs, but believes in UFOs.” The two men got into a fight over Twitter.


Lange Frans then invited the comedian to his podcast, which Pannekoek discussed. On Thursday, Lange Frans shared a fragment of the episode in which Pannekoek is a guest. In it he says that “the tone” in which Pannekoek pronounced his name during his New Year’s Eve conference, was for him “a kind of alien.”

Pannekoek says in the fragment that “he too is a hypocrite”. “I will sometimes say something in a performance and then do it myself later. I strongly believe in the human deficiency,” said the comedian, who in the video wears a shirt that reads “Boss P”. Lange Frans formed a duo for years with Bart Zeilstra, whose stage name is Baas B.
