Peter Gillis punished by viewer, lowest viewing figures in a long time

Peter Gillis is not punished by SBS 6, but by the viewer. The new season of his reality series Mass is Kassa started yesterday with quite disappointing viewing figures.

© SBS 6

SBS 6 refuses to remove Peter Gillis from the tube despite being prosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service for assaulting his girlfriend. He would have bitten Nicol Kremers in her nose and her back. According to Angela de Jong, the decision to just keep him on the station proves that the station is ‘morally bankrupt’.

Image problem?

Many viewers now seem to make the decision themselves not to watch Peter anymore. The new season of his reality series Family Gillis: Massa is Kassa started last night with 563 thousand viewers. That is the lowest score in no less than 29 (!) episodes.

Viewing figures authority Tina Nijkamp speaks of disappointing figures. “The start of Family Gillis is disappointing. 563 thousand viewers is a lot less than previous seasons. Suffering from football and maybe image?”


It would be a complete disaster for SBS 6 if there were also many curiosity viewers among those almost 600 thousand viewers, who wanted to know whether something would be said about the alleged abuse of Nicol. In that case, the viewership could take a nosedive next week.

RTL Boulevard would not be surprised about that. According to the program berate viewers the comeback of Peter. “I don’t understand you looking at that swat, don’t reward him by looking. Rammers do not belong on the tube,” says one of the viewers who is quoted by the show column.


Angela can no longer look at it either. She doesn’t feel like ‘just laughing again at Peter who belittles his staff, destitute families with filthy mobile homes and Nicol who, as a trophy wife, buys a new dog, new shop or new holiday home’, she writes. in her column.

“That a few other things happen when the cameras are gone, well, who cares. Viewing figures above conscience and morals. It’s to puke.”


One of many angry tweets:
