Peter Gillis pulled earring out of Nicol’s ear and bit her nose

Peter Gillis is suspected of assaulting his Nicol by pulling her arms and hair, pushing against a wall and pulling an earring from her ear. He would then have bitten Nicol in her back and nose and pinched her breasts. That became apparent today during a first hearing in this case.

It was already known in advance that the substance of the case would not be dealt with because Nicol still has to be heard as a witness. That evening of the assault in Ommel, the emergency room was called, as it turned out during the short session. Recordings thereof are included in the evidence.

According to the public prosecutor, this material shows how Nicol is being mistreated in the background. The Public Prosecution Service initiated the case itself. Initially, Peter and Nicol denied that there was any abuse. “This reporting is nonsense and not true,” Nicol wrote on her Instagram account.

Later, both came back to this when it became clear that the Public Prosecution Service was bringing the case to court, even though Nicol was not going to report abuse. After a period of radio silence, both came out with a statement about the alleged abuse in May.

“We regret that a private incident led to the involvement of the police.”

The couple ‘regrets that a private incident has led to the involvement of the police’. The statement came out through their lawyer Ton van den Biezenbos. The lawyer and Peter and Nicol were not at the hearing today because it was clear in advance that the substantive treatment will be later. When is unknown.

Various media such as RTL Boulevard and the AD were the first to report with certainty that 60-year-old Gillis, known from the reality show Massa Is Kassa, was the suspect of the abuse of his Nicol. That happened on 29 May around 3 a.m. in the Prinsenmeer holiday park in Ommel, which is owned by Gillis.

Peter and Nicol reported on Instagram today:
