Peter Gillis disappoints SBS 6, Evert suddenly defends cuddling

Peter Gillis is quite disappointing on SBS 6. The new season of Massa is Kassa started last night with meager viewing figures, despite all the PR cuddling from Evert Santegoeds.


The Gillis family: Massa is Kassa was one of the great successes of SBS 6 for a long time, but the annoyance about Peter Gillis’ behavior is increasing. The new season of the TV show started last night with only 532 thousand viewers (11 percent market share), not enough for a place in the viewing figure top 15.

‘The magic is gone’

Rating professor Tina Nijkamp calls Peter the ‘loser of the evening’. “Massa is Kassa is only in 19th place and that is not a good start to the first season without Nicol. Will Nicol be missed? Only the number four of half past eight. The magic of Massa is Kassa seems to be gone, the viewer has had enough of it linearly for the time being.”

She continues: “Perhaps the postponement will still be viewed carefully, but this seems to be worrying, just like De Bevers on RTL 5. Perhaps also overtaken by Thijs Zeeman next week? He only has 8,000 viewers less. All the negative publicity now REALLY reflects on the ratings.”

Evert explains cuddling

And that despite the charm offensive to hoist Peter Gillis back in the saddle, including a suddenly Gillis-hugging Evert Santegoeds. He defends himself in the podcast Strictly Private by saying he just wanted the scoop on Peter’s new sweetheart: “Then my Private blood will flow faster, of course.”

Colleague Jordi Versteegden is shocked by Evert’s sudden turn: “The way he continues to deal with his staff, including his new PA, I find that disgusting to watch, I have to tell you honestly. I also still wonder: should you give such a man a stage? That’s something I personally can’t look at.”

Evert suddenly has less trouble with that. “If you look at the figures… The viewing figures of Shownieuws last night, the reading figures on our site: the Netherlands is simply interested in Peter Gillis and I am not going to decide for people what they are allowed to read and what they are not allowed to read”, concludes the man who has lived for six months. ago called for a Gillis boycott.

Million for VI

The big winner at prime time? Again Today Inside, with more than one million viewers on SBS 6 for the second day in a row, this time 1.020 million (23 percent). “VI also scores without Mark Rutte and attracted almost as many viewers as Monday.”

Competitor RTL 4 sees the new program De Moeite Waard? start with 695 thousand viewers (15 percent). It is the successor to the TV flop The Interior Project VIPS, where according to Look at ratings an average of 383 thousand people watched it: “RTL 4 finally scored better than RTL 5 on Tuesday.”

Viewing figures

The viewing figures of Tuesday, May 23, 2023 (SKO):

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. Journal 20:00 (NPO1) 1,755,00001. NPO1 / 19.4%
02. Today Inside (SBS6) 1,020,00002. RTL4 / 17.4%
03. KVW (NPO1) 950,00003. SBS6 / 14.0%
04. Half past seven news (RTL4) 922,00004. NPO2 / 10.0%
05. Journal 18:00 (NPO1) 886,00005. RTL5 / 6.1%
06. Investigation Requested (NPO2) 879,00006.ESPN / 3.3%
07. EenVandaag (NPO1) 810,00007.NET5 / 3.3%
08. Good Times Bad Times (RTL4) 749,00008. Vero / 3.2%
09. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 719,00009. RTL7 / 3.0%
10. Worth It (RTL4) 695,00010. RTL8 / 2.8%
11. Regions from Van Boven (NPO2) 665,00011. NPO3 / 2.5%
12. Nieuwsuur (NPO2) 658,00012.BBC / 1.9%
13. Jinek (RTL4) 655,00013. Paramount / 1.1%
14. Hard to beat (NPO1) 628,00014. Discov / 0.8%
15. Heart of the Netherlands (SBS6) 620,00015. FOX / 0.7%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 31.9%
02. RTL Netherlands 30.0%
03. Talpa TV 21.1%

Programs that did not make it to the top 15 include Zeeman Confronts Stalkers (524 thousand), Time for MAX (499 thousand), Shownieuws (455 thousand), 112 Today (425 thousand) and Nadia (350 thousand).
