Pet therapy, with cats for children at the Niguarda hospital

Lmarveling at the purr, that way of rubbing against the hands or legs to ask for caresses, the placid nestling in the lap of someone who provides them in abundance. Spend time at cuddle a cat it is good for anyone, and in particular it can be good for children hospitalized. Hence the “Gatto, my friend” project, the first Italian supported by the Royal Canin Foundation and the first in Italy to have cats as protagonists pet therapy activities. To manage it, atNiguarda Hospital in Milan, Frida’s Friendsthe Milanese non-profit organization founded in 2012 that accompanies dogs, rabbits, donkeys and horses between schools, hospitals and RSAs.

5 tips for a cat-friendly home

The power of the cat, the magic of Cat Therapy for children in hospital

Instinctive and free animals, cats ask for a simple relationship, and can help little patients a lot to socialize by interacting with them. But the empathic ability it’s not the only card cats have to play as pet therapists.

For example, their reputation as indifferent and affectionless animals? She’s unmotivated. Entering into a relationship with a cat can also help little patients improve relationships with hospital staff. Taking care of it, to strengthen the ability to concentrate, attention and even short-term memory. But also to improve some specific movements, with benefits on thepsychomotor as well as cognitive area.

Gatto, my friend, the project with the pediatric patients of Niguarda, in Milan

The “Gatto, my friend” project will last 2 years and has the aim of support the young patients in the pediatric department of the Niguarda Hospital, which in the past has already hosted Frida’s Friends Onlus and the Ragdolls protagonists of the activity. In November the project will be proposed again in the children’s department of the Maria Letizia Verga Foundation in Monza.

A little girl hospitalized at the Niguarda Hospital in Milan approaches a cat in a pet therapy session (Royal Canin press office)

Hospitalization in pediatrics is an emotionally difficult experience for the child and opening the doors to projects such as pet therapy can help bring greater serenity in tackling the treatment process.

From this perspective that Frida’s Friends Onlus has been operating in the major hospital institutes of Northern Italy for over twelve years promoting the benefits of Pet Therapy, obtaining consensus and recognition for its high professionalism and innovation.

