Pet expenses, how to save on food and accessories

StThere are almost 65 million pets in Italy. Practically more than one for each inhabitant: they are fish but also, of course, cats, 10 million, and dogs, 8.7 million. A presence in the life of Italians which translates into a turnover for animal expenses for approx 2.6 billion euros per year (Assalco-Zoomark 2022 report). It is a sector which, over the last decade, has grown steadily with an average annual growth rate of around 5%. There are those who, for them, spare no expense. In fact, the market is mainly driven by premium and super-premium products dedicated to pets (with selected raw materials, natural production processes, etc.), with a growing interest in vegan foods and specific supplements.

But even the simple maintenance is expensive. According to theFederconsumatori National Observatoryin the first year of life a puppy costs from 1,707.70 to 2,497.50 euros per year depending on the size. In subsequent years the expenditure to be incurred is 1,500 euros per year for the little ones and 2,232 euros per year for medium/large sized dogs. As regards the maintenance of a cat, the annual costs amount to approx 1,178 euros for the first year of life and 892 eurosor for subsequent years (2020 data). Not a little, to the point that for some families it is too much: cases of abandonment precisely because of economic difficulties are not uncommon.

Animal expenses, including medicines “for human use” and VAT

Among the initiatives in support of pet owners’ wallets, there was, last year, the decree which permits treat pets also with medicines «for human use». About forty percent of Italian families who can benefit from it save money up to ninety percent of animal expenses for certain pathologies. The veterinarian can prescribe these medicines “provided they contain the same active ingredient as the veterinary medicinal product”.

Then there was the Pet bonuses 2022, gross tax deduction Irpef of 19% on healthcare costs incurred in favor of your pet. And something is also moving on the front of local initiatives: in Rome, the Giunta Gualtieri has in fact started the process for build the first public veterinary hospital by 2024therefore free, through the redevelopment and expansion of the Muratella municipal kennel.

Another historic battle of Enpa and other animal rights associations is the VAT reduction 10% for pet food and veterinary expenses. It is currently at 22%.

How to save on pet expenses?

In the meantime, other common-sense practices can help you save on pet expenses. For example, compare prices and search for offers, possibly using apps such as Where it is convenient. Many dog ​​and cat owners already do it, to the point that theShopFully Observatory has analyzed the data of the app discovering that… cat beats dog. In other words, consumers look for more promotional products for their cats (68% of searches relating to pet products) than for their dogs (30%).

Another good idea to save money is to buy family packs even if the cat is one. Single portions, as for humans, cost proportionally much more.

Like dog, like owner: increasingly fashionable accessories

Accessories, between used and do-it-yourself

On the accessories front, it can be useful to find alternatives to buying the newest and most expensive products. On one side the used (for example, on the internet, with the Animal marketor on Facebook the flea market accessories for dogs, cats and small animals). On the other the do-it-yourself. You can be creative but, in general, old blankets and pillows can live a new life without Micio or Fido suffering because they don’t have the most innovative scratching post of the moment.

Prevention (and sterilization) is better than cure

Again: prevention is better than cure. No disorder should be overlooked, no veterinary visit should be postponed. Updated vaccinations, cleaning of the teeth to prevent the accumulation of tartar and protection from ticks are some of the treatments to be done periodically, thanks to which you can avoid spending more then.

Sterilize it’s convenient. Even the wallet. Not only because it avoids having to keep our pet’s puppies but also because sterilization protects against many diseases.

Finally, it bears repeating that even adopting an animal instead of buying it is a great way to save money.

