Peskov spoke about the situation with Antonov

The Kremlin commented on the decision of the US authorities, who raised the issue of the departure of the Russian ambassador from Washington, Anatoly Antonov, if the US conditions for providing visas to the guards of the US ambassador in Moscow are not met.

“The threat is serious,” the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation told reporters Dmitry Peskov.

However, for an extended comment, he recommended contacting the Russian Foreign Ministry, writes “Interfax”.

The head of the Russian diplomatic mission in the United States, Antonov, said on January 26 that Washington is forcing him to leave the country due to visa disputes. According to the Russian diplomat, at recent meetings at the State Department, he was clearly told about the intention to do this by April, if Moscow does not fulfill a number of conditions.

Same day USA left a group of employees of the Russian Embassy in Washington out of 27 people, the State Department completed their business trip ahead of schedule. The departure of the second group of Russian diplomats at the request of the Americans is scheduled for the summer. A total of 55 people will leave the US. They are not officially accused of anything and are not expelled, but they are not allowed to work.


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