Peskov explained why Putin put Macron at a six-meter table

The protocol of additional measures to protect the health of the President of Russia and his guests was explained by the press secretary of Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov. Answering the question of journalists why the negotiations between Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron took place at a six-meter table, he replied that in this case additional protection measures were taken in the form of an increased distance between the communicating presidents.

“This is a normal world practice,” Peskov explained.

He recalled that in some situations, Putin communicates directly with his guests, they shake hands and. etc., negotiations are held at the table with someone. And there is no politics in this, everyone treats it with full understanding, he added.

situation around Ukraine after negotiations Putin has not yet discussed with his French counterpart, Peskov said.

Earlier, Macron held talks in Moscow with Putin, then in Kiev with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, after which he went to Berlin, where he met with the German Chancellor and the President of Poland.


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