Peskov called sanctions against businessmen for meeting with Putin banditry

Vladimir Putin meeting with representatives of the Russian business community, February 24, 2022


Sanctions by Western countries against leading Russian businessmen for participating in a meeting with the president are gangsterism at the international level, Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the head of state, told reporters, RBC correspondent reports.

“Unfortunately, many of the country’s leading entrepreneurs, who are essentially international entrepreneurs, what the collective West is doing against them can only be called banditry at the international level,” Peskov said. According to him, this is “the collapse of private property and private business.”

Sanctions against Russian businessmen, in particular, were introduced by the European Union. He explained his decision by a meeting of entrepreneurs with President Vladimir Putin on February 24.

In this regard, Peskov was asked if this practice of meetings would continue. “As for the practice of meetings, of course, these are entrepreneurs who do business, make investments, create jobs, develop technologies on the territory of our country. Of course, the dialogue with the authorities will continue, including with the president,” the spokesman replied.

“Bring significant income to the authorities”: how the EU explained the new sanctions
