Peskov announced a special gene that prevents Europeans from cooperating with Russia

The inhabitants of Europe have a special gene that prevents them from being in a state of mutually beneficial coexistence with Russia, declared Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov in the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

“Europeans have some kind of gene that still prevents them from getting rid of this husk and staying with us in a state of mutually beneficial coexistence. This is some kind of extra chromosome, or something else, but they have it, ”Peskov said.

He added that at the same time “you can learn to live with this extra chromosome” and “in such conditions you still get used to each other.”

Peskov said that Europe needs to “sober up” to reassess relations

Since mid-February, Western countries, including the US and the EU, began to impose sanctions against Russia, which affected both individuals and large industrial and financial organizations, as well as the reserves of the Central Bank.
