Pescetarian: who he is, what he eats and diet benefits

THEThe pescatarian conquers the world. If nothing else that of diets, perhaps because numerous studies have shown that this diet is truly healthy and full of benefits for those who choose it. So let’s find out together Doctor Elisabetta Macorsininutritional biologist from Humanitas Medical Care – Humanitas Mater Domini Hospitalwhat foods can be brought to the table and what are the benefits of this diet which, as the name already says, never gives up fish.

Healthy and sustainable diet: advice to follow

Food yes, food no

Fish and shellfish, fruit and vegetables, cereals, dairy products and eggs: promoted. Red meat, poultry and game: excluded. These are the foods of pescatarian or pescatarian diet. «It’s basically about a vegetarian diet that also includes fish and other foods from the sea. It is certainly a complete food choice, which combines vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals of foods of plant origin to fatty acids and omega-3 proteins given by sea products. If protein intake is often the price to pay for eliminating meat, thanks to the pescatarian diet the risk is averted. Compared to the vegetarian dietin fact, it is easier to have a complete diet thanks to the consumption of fish”, explains Doctor Macorsini.

Pescetarian: pros and cons

«Numerous studies have demonstrated the association of the pescetarian diet with a body mass index lower, better indicators of metabolic health, blood pressure and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, fish is low in saturated fat and rich in other nutrients. Substituting fish for meat means cutting calories and fat from your diet. Certain types of fish contain acids omega-3 fats, which improve heart health and they can reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. However, there are some downsides. A food plan of this type, in fact, can result expensive if you plan to always buy fresh fruit, vegetables and fish. They also go avoid fish with higher levels of mercury. Great care must be taken since the exclusion of foods of animal origin from the diet compromises the levels of vitamin B 12, important for maintaining a healthy nervous system, the formation of red blood cells and DNA, and protein metabolism. Better not to miss the foods high in B-12 present in the pescetarian diet, such as shellfish, eggs, milk and dairy products and some enriched cereals» warns the expert.

Pescetarian: how to compose the meal

“It is well known that eating fish is good for youso that INRAN National Research Institute for Food and Nutritionrecommend consuming fish at least 2 or 3 times a week. Caught fish is preferable to farmed fish because it has firmer meat, richer in omega 3 and lower in saturated fats. In balancing the meal the component of vegetables must be around 50%that of fish or vegetable proteins on 25%while the remainder 25% must be represented by whole grains or complex carbohydrates. There are no limits, however, to the variety of fruit and vegetables you can eat. In the choice of cereals those are to be preferred integral for the greater nutritional intake and lower sugar content”, advises Doctor Macorsini.

Fish: how to choose it

“The blue fish of our seas represents a valid alternative to beef and poultry. It is rich in calcium it is advisable during pregnancy and menopause. Very rich in omega 3, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B, D and E, and mineral salts such as phosphorus, iron and iodine, blue fish It has good satiating power and becomes a valid ally if you are following a weight loss diet. The best known species are herring, anchovies, garfish and mackerel but also tuna and swordfish fall into this category. In general, then, fish has a smaller amount of connective tissue than mammal meat and is consequently more digestible. In short, fish should never be missing from a healthy and balanced diet”, concludes Doctor Macorsini.

