Pertti Ukkola was elected to the wrestling gallery of honor

Pertti Ukkola was awarded by the International Wrestling Federation.

Pertti Ukkola belongs to a rare group of Finns. AOP/Marko Tuominiemi

Pertti Ukkola72, has been inducted into the UWW Hall of Fame at the World Wrestling Championships in Belgrade.

Ukkola, who competed in the 57 kg class, won the Greco-Roman wrestling gold medal in the Olympics, World Championships and European Championships.

– The world is full of athletes who want to reach the top. Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve dreamed of being the best in the world somewhere, and apparently I have been, because I got to join such a group. It’s a great thing and a tribute also to those who have helped me in my sports career, Ukkola commented in the press release of the Finnish Wrestling Federation.

Ukkola is only the second wrestler and the fourth Finn in total to be elected to the UWW Hall of Fame. Ukkola is joined by champion wrestlers from the 1920s and 1930s Kustaa Pihlajamäki (1902-1944) and wrestling referees Lassi and Karri Toivola.

The wrestling legend gave succinct instructions to a young athlete who dreams of getting to the top.

– Sport must be the soul and life, you must give everything to it. An athlete cannot get married in his twenties and have tons of children. I guarantee that the Hall of Fame will not invite with such a system. The most important form of talent is persistence. Train hard and trust yourself, advises Ukkola.
