Perspective: It’s good that Bachelor couples divorced

Why do TV viewers expect two men to find life partners for two men? writes Henna Koste, editor of Iltalehti.

Thomas gave his last rose to Hanna. MTV3

The Bachelor season is in the package. Immediately after the last episode, viewers also found out that as well Timo and Sonja that Tuomas and Hanna have decided to continue on different paths.

Equally fast, social media was already making fun of it, “haha, it didn’t last either”. Others, on the other hand, were very disappointed and sorry that the relationship ended before they had a good time.

I don’t know if you need to be so sorry or surprised. All the people seen on the program were quite sharp and charming, but I also understand very well that it is quite unlikely that a couple, let alone two, will emerge from such a format.

In Tinder, we swap hundreds and people right and left, and finding “the right one” is no shortcut. Why do TV viewers expect two men to find life partners for two men?

It’s not that I don’t think the couples would have agreed with each other. Based on what I saw on TV, they fit perfectly. Everyone seemed to be lovely, authentic and mature guys. The thing slipped and the chemistry was in front of my eyes. However, we viewers know quite a bit.

I myself have sometimes been quite sure that I have found the right one, even though I have constantly given more than I have received. The trick, though, is that both should be at the fair, not just the other.

Hanna told Bachelor: After the Rose that she was disappointed that things went so fast. Thomas said they saw it a few times after the shootings, but after that he had a feeling that there was “not so much chemistry of a certain kind”.

You can trust your own feeling, and no one should waste their time then. Participants in the program do not owe a love story to each other or to the viewers.

Timo and Sonja ended the meeting at good intervals. MTV3
