Personnel Ryanair lays the work neer: dead 300 vluchten scraped

Bij Ryanair gaat de staking uit van two pilots as cabinepersoneel. You should act in the future in bad working conditions. Ryanair leeft de Belgische arbeidswetgeving niet na, het latches. “He is part of the Belgian personal service, de verloning is te laag en zelfs de Belgian minimumlons not respected.”

Ryanair has never communicated about the number of possible flights from Vrijdag tot and met Zondag, since the Zullen he was warding between 250 and 300 zijn, not as a previous staking in April. Most of them may have been scraped from the air haven of Charleroi; at Brussels Airport gaat het om een ​​dertigtal vluchten (eider dag a vijftal vertrekkende en een vijftal aankomende).

Europese acts

The protest by Ryanair is not known to the persons based in Belgium. Also in Portugal in Spain it was planned to take place on June 24, 25 and 26 (in Spain it was not on June 30, July 1 and 2), in Frankrijk it was planned for June 25 and 26 in Italy for June 25 June.

Ryanair does not fully respect the staking in this area along the Belgian wagering. “CNE enACV Puls zouden moeten onderhandelen with Ryanair om tot verteringen te komen in plaats van onjuiste verklaringen af ​​te leggen en threegementen te uiten om de Reisplannen van our Belgian clants nodeloos in de war te sturen”, Zei de directie eerder.

Brussels Airlines

He started a staking van three days with Brussels Airlines. The maximum number of flights scheduled for a total of 315 flights canceled at Brussels Airport, followed by 40,000 passengers. The cabin crew and the pilots of Brussels Airlines are on the sea and there are high pressures.
