Personal growth as added value in sport

Self-confidence is closely related to the perception of control. It is the belief that the individuals themselves have in their resources and abilities to achieve different objectives and challenges, therefore, it depends both on the abilities that the athlete has and how he perceives them, as well as the objectives, and how the athlete he perceives them either as a challenge or a threat, clarifies María Laura Tramanone, a companion in Biodecoding, Expert in Psychoneuroimmunology and Sports Coach.

– How do you build self-confidence?

Self-knowledge is the key, self-confidence is consolidated when the athlete is able to recognize their strengths and aptitudes. It is not the same, to do what the coach indicates, period, to do knowing consciously, what are his resources as an athlete that can add value to the team. At this point, two types of self-confidence should be noted: on the one hand, the specific one, the one in which one is fully certain that it is effective in specific skills, for example “precisely kicking the free kick”, on the other hand, one finds the most general or global self-confidence, that in which it would indicate a level of confidence in one’s own resources in any known or unknown situation. The latter is a more basic, more personal trust. Therefore, self-confidence for a person is not the same in all situations, for example, continuing with the previous example, an athlete can have high self-confidence taking a free kick and not being a goalkeeper.

– What implication does self-concept and self-esteem have in sport?

Self-confidence is closely related to self-concept, which is the opinion we have of ourselves, and self-esteem, which is the appreciation one has for oneself. Both self-esteem and self-concept are a global evaluation of the person. The perception that one has of oneself in a sporting experience can be very relevant, hence the importance of accompanying the athlete in discovering oneself in order to enhance their performance based on trust and security by developing leadership from that place.

– What is your accompaniment based on as a professional?

I accompany through individual and team sessions, in a training-learning process, which consists of awakening the talent and resources of the player, coach and manager. With the accompaniment in the creative process, the aim is to maximize their sporting and personal performance, eliminating internal obstacles through an action plan with goals or objectives, enhancing their profile as a leader. “Talent wins games, teamwork and emotional intelligence win championships.”

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