Person drowned in White Lake

Weißer See: Person missing – large-scale search with divers

Bathing has been discontinued Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

A person has been missing in Berlin-Pankow in the Weißen See district of Weißensee since Saturday evening. She was rescued and died on the spot.

The Berlin fire brigade and the water rescue service each deployed two divers. The rescuers also navigated the lake in boats.

Person missing in White Lake

The fire brigade is looking for a missing person in the Weißer See with divers Photo: Spreepicture

The person was finally rescued and died in the ambulance in the evening. According to previous knowledge, she has been missing since 7:30 p.m.

Numerous rescuers, including an emergency doctor and paramedics, were on site. The bathing operation has been discontinued.


Weissensee White lake
