Pernille La Lau reveals secret behind unicycle fragment Koffietijd

Pernille La Lau amazed friend and foe in winter by maneuvering through the Koffietijd studio on a unicycle with great dexterity. But how could she actually do this?


The fragment in which Pernille La Lau was challenged to take a seat on a unicycle during the live broadcast of Koffietijd and drive through the studio was completed in January viral gone. Her colleagues didn’t understand it at all. “No, oh God, Pernille!” it sounded. And: “How can you do this?!”

‘They were very shocked’

At one point Pernille even did the hula hoop on that unicycle, so indeed: why could she do this? The presenter reveals it NPO Radio 1: “Yes, that was very funny. I was invited to one challenges to do that required me to ride a unicycle. I thought: they obviously know that I can do that, because otherwise you wouldn’t ask.”

However, they had no idea that Pernille is skilled at this. “Because who can? So I thought: they know, but gradually I found out that they didn’t know. So then I just kept my mouth shut and finally cycled away live in that program. They were also very shocked by it.”

Grow forward

The Koffietijd celebrity is an adept unicycle rider. “I used to ride a unicycle, but that was because I had scoliosis in my back. And that means you’re going to grow forward, so I had to do a sport where you stayed upright. So I was allowed to swim, but I was not allowed to go horseback riding or ice skating, etc..”

Eventually she came up with a bicycle with one wheel. “I didn’t like hockey either. So then my mother was so inventive as to say, ‘Well you know what, I did find something. A unicycle, because if you’re a little crooked there, you’ll fall off, so you have to sit up straight.’ Well, that’s how it happened.”


The snippet in question:

@coffeetime Pernille takes on this challenge with dedication #coffee time #hulahoop #unicycle #hulahoop #hulahoopchallenge #unicycle ♬ I Want It That Way – Dj pablo
