Permits for companies on the Vamberg industrial estate adjusted to prevent odor nuisance

The permits of several companies on the industrial estate next to the Vamberg near Wijster are being adjusted. The Regional Implementation Service Drenthe (RUD) will do this in response to several reports of odor nuisance.

The RUD has conducted research into odor nuisance from the industrial estate, which is also known as the Energy Transition Park. Last year, 47 complaints were received about a foul odor around the industrial estate. Most reports come from Drijber (26) and Wijster (12), the two places closest to the site.

The investigation shows that only one complaint cannot be attributed to the industrial estate. Two complaints were not processed because they were not complete. “We assume that for 44 complaints, the industrial estate can be identified as the cause of the odor nuisance on the basis of research into wind direction,” concludes the RUD. All 44 remaining complaints come from a radius of 5 kilometers from the industrial estate.

It is concluded that the odor nuisance is higher than “may be considered desirable in a residential environment.” This mainly concerns the environments to the northwest and northeast of the site. Drijber and Wijster are just now lying there.

“It is important to indicate that odor nuisance is also part of the site,” responds Jan Batelaan, alderman at the municipality of Midden-Drenthe. “After all, it is an industrial area for heavy industry.” The industrial estate includes waste processor Attero, processor of poultry slaughter by-products Noblesse Proteins and fire service training and training center BON Holding. In addition, chicken manure biodigester Green Create is under construction.

With an unfavorable wind, the residents can experience inconvenience from these companies. Batelaan: “Although you can experience odor nuisance there, it is also important to live, work and recreate well and pleasantly there.”

It is not yet exactly clear from which company or companies the odor nuisance comes from. This requires additional research, such as installing more odor sensors. However, according to the RUD, it can be concluded that the composting installation of Attero and Noblesse “best meets the criteria for a possible nuisance cause.”

The RUD is going to adjust some permits to reduce the nuisance. The companies probably already adhered to the permit, despite the fact that there may have been too much odor nuisance. This is because the permits work with averages.

An example: on day 1 the company exceeds the values ​​in terms of smell, but not the next day. On average, the company therefore meets. And that is why the RUD does not immediately enforce complaints. By adjusting the permits to this now, the RUD can better enforce odor nuisance.

The companies on the site themselves are also taking measures. For example, they place canopies or chimneys, so that less odor is released during the activities.

The investigation continues for the time being and will be expanded. In this way, the scent can be assigned more accurately to companies and enforcement can be more targeted.
