Permit for 3 windmills in Pittem destroyed

Permit for 3 windmills in Pittem destroyed

“In its judgment of 27 October 2022, the Council for Permit Disputes ruled on the petition from the municipal council of Pittem to annul the environmental permit previously granted by the Minister of the Environment to eg Windkracht Vlaanderen/Luminus nv for the construction and operation of three wind turbines with associated transformers, on the N37 (Bergstraat, Vijfstraat, Veldstraat) in Pittem,” says the municipality in a press release.

“Against the wide character of the Pittemberg area”

Mayor Denis Fraeyman: “We received a message that with this judgment the environmental permit for the three wind turbines in Pittem will be annulled. In other words, the Council confirms the municipal council’s argument that the landscape around Pittemberg is relatively free of buildings and has a wide character and is therefore incompatible with such installations. In addition, the Council also agrees with our position that the permit is poorly motivated.”

The minister can make a new decision within three months, although it is not certain that a new decision will be made. The municipal council of Pittem is continuing to monitor the file.
