Perinetti’s drama: “My daughter was fighting anorexia, she let herself die”

The former sporting director of Rome and Naples speaks after the death of Emanuela, 34 years old: “We don’t understand why she gave up”. Funeral in Milan today

Nicola Binda

Disbelief. “We can’t understand why she let herself shut down like that.” It is that of a father who cannot understand how a daughter allowed herself to die in this way. And it is that of those who knew Emanuela Perinetti, a career woman, who left us on Wednesday in Milan. No one can explain how she almost passively gave herself up as a brilliant manager, considered since 2018 among the 150 most influential women in the Italian digital world. Emanuela was an influencer and dealt with marketing applied to sport.

the funerals

Known and appreciated by everyone: athletes with whom she organized initiatives (including other sports, such as Fernando Alonso) and companies with whom she collaborated to create projects and start-ups. She was 34 years old and Milan accompanied her departure with a classic November day, gray and drizzly. She will be like this too today for her last farewell, at 2.45 pm, at the Basilica of Sant’Eustorgio.


She was the eldest daughter of Giorgio, dean of Italian sports directors, today at Avellino. “We can’t understand, we can’t understand – repeats Perinetti – the doctors did everything they could, they were very good”. About ten days ago they called you from Milan: Emanuela had been hospitalized at Fatebenefratelli after a fall at home. Her body was now frail and weak. About her Friends and colleagues were waiting for her in Rome on November 17th for the national team match, but she replied that she remained in Milan due to work commitments. Strange, for someone who was never missing on certain occasions. The father knew it: “She had been fighting anorexia for some time. She worried about me, and told me that everything was fine. She liked the professionals who looked after her, but perhaps she only said it to reassure me, because I was the one worried.” “. The hospitalization and treatment seemed to be working, so much so that on Monday Perinetti went down to Avellino. He says: “On Tuesday they called me, on Friday (today, ed.) I should have returned to her to take stock of her.” Instead Emanuela died the day before her, and the train brought him back to her a few minutes later. Chiara, her younger sister, also a career manager in Milan, was already in the hospital. She cried on her father’s shoulder, also remembering her mother Daniela, who died in 2015 from breast cancer.


In recent days Perinetti has had as its base the hotel for which Emanuela himself had studied an agreement. Friends and colleagues stopped by to greet him and many wrote to him. He had introduced her to the world of football. The Perinettis are from Rome and when dad was Giallorossi sporting director the daughter became a fan: “As a child she used to wait for me after the matches, with imploring eyes. I would say: ‘go home with mum or come with dad on the bus to Trigoria ?’ Her obvious answer, she came with us and sat on Aldair and the others’ laps to play.” During the years in Turin he got to know the Juventus players, above all Del Piero, but also the latest ones, like Pogba. She graduated from Luiss in Innovation Management, she did a one-year master’s degree in Seoul to learn marketing techniques and then moved to Milan. Dad Giorgio is proud: “She loved her job, she was happy. I told her about a promise I made to her mother to see her get better and she told me she would make it. Instead the other day, when she told me she had ‘ When I spoke to her, I understood that there was nothing left to do. And since then I have been wondering how it is possible to pass away like that, without any economic, professional or sentimental problems.” We all ask ourselves that. The disbelief remains. Forever.
