Perhaps research into the possibilities of cultivation-free and spray-free zones for bulbs and lily cultivation

There may be an investigation into the possibility of using provincial regulations for establishing spray-free zones or cultivation-free zones in bulbs and lily cultivation. D66, GroenLinks, Party for the Animals, PvdA and SP had requested this. They think that environmental law and the spatial planning rules of the province have options for this.

PvdA and GroenLinks initially supported a proposal to force the investigation into the Provincial Executive, but dropped out when it turned out that there was a majority to deploy the province’s own commission of inquiry. And to keep the peace in the coalition, even if no one says that out loud. Because the reminder from the Provincial Council to the Provincial Executive for such an investigation is not appreciated.


The Provincial Executive has often been asked by a number of parties in the Provincial Council, nature organizations and local residents to use spatial planning rules for bulbs and lily cultivation. Until now, the Provincial Executive has always refused to do so. Only in new situations does the provincial government reluctantly see any possibilities.

D66, SP and PvdD want to make spray- and/or cultivation-free zones possible in both existing and historically developed situations and new situations.

D66 party chairman Anry Kleine Deters: “The bulb cultivation in Drenthe is a constant source of discussion among supporters and opponents. The use of plant protection products in the vicinity of residential and natural areas plays a central role in this discussion because of their effects on public health, biodiversity and water quality. Spray-free or cultivation-free zones can contribute to protecting the living environment and nature areas. And the follow-up research can help in the further discussion and decisions we have to make.”

Only at new bulb fields

As far as the Provincial Executive is concerned, only at new locations for bulb and lily cultivation is there a possible possibility to set a maximum surface area via the provincial environmental ordinance. However, according to the provincial government, maximizing on the basis of public health is a shaky path. And maximizing the surface area does not prevent the use of pesticides near homes, write the deputies Henk Brink (environment) and Henk Jumelet (agriculture) to the members of parliament in Drenthe.

It is only possible to establish spray-free zones on existing fields for bulb and lily cultivation if it turns out that the adverse effects are so great that they are unacceptable. This is the case if the health of local residents cannot be guaranteed. Otherwise, the establishment of such zones will not stand up to the courts, the deputies say. According to the deputies, the bar is therefore high, also because research by the RIVM has shown that there are currently no concrete health risks. The risks may be higher locally, but you have to be able to demonstrate this with local research.

States can have themselves investigated

Party leader Siemen Vegter of the CDA was the oil man. As far as he is concerned, the committee of inquiry of the Provincial Council is perfectly capable of carrying out an investigation. An internal fire in the coalition, caused by GroenLinks and PvdA, was suddenly extinguished. Initially, those parties spent a week working on the proposal together with D66, PvdD and SP to encourage the deputies more strongly.

According to coalition sources, Environment Commissioner Henk Brink was not particularly amused about the motion in the making. According to insiders, he regarded it as a vote of no confidence.

According to D66, Party for the Animals, GroenLinks and SP, the motion is not superfluous at all. According to party chairman Kleine Deters, this clearly states what needs to be investigated. According to her, without the motion, the debate will start on what exactly the investigation committee should investigate. The D66 party leader, in turn, was not amused about the withdrawal of PvdA and GL.
