Perfumes and physical attraction: the most seductive notes

Su TikTok pheromone fragrances are all the rage, perfumes which in their olfactory pyramid contain pheromones, chemical substances produced by the body and responsible for physical attraction. Although there is no scientific evidence on the effects of these fragrances, the importance of smell in “matters of feeling” is undeniable. Enough to talk about, in some cases olfactophilia, of immediate physical-olfactory attraction.

Perfumes and physical attraction, bonds

But why do smells have so much importance in human relationships? Smell is one of the most powerful senses, it stimulates memory and memories: «Smells are elements that, consciously or not, contribute to creating a more or less pleasant memory. It is therefore inevitable that when you meet a person who wears a particular perfume or has a certain smell, more or less consciously memories are activated that can influence the pleasantness of the meeting» explains the nose.

A person’s natural aromas are added to the fragrances worn. To confirm this detail one 2003 study reported on Behavioral Ecology Journal which highlights how the body odors that most attract you are not similar to those emitted by your body but are actually opposite, usually even more intense and stronger. In other words, the more different and stronger the natural smell is compared to one’s own, the greater the possibility of attraction. It is undeniable, in any case, that the smell of one’s skin and in general all body aromas play a fundamental role between two people. In some cases, the natural aroma stimulates a real attraction.

Do attraction scents exist?

Starting from this mechanism, pheromone fragrances were born, creations that should be able to stimulate the interest of the other person. There are many doubts, however, surrounding these creations: «In reality, although they are becoming very popular on TikTok, there is no scientific basis on the effects of these fragrances. First of all because pheromones very often have no smell, secondly because at the moment there are still no studies that confirm the ability to react to their presence” he explains Silvia Bianco, founder of the Mani Perfumes brand.

«If in animals the reaction to pheromones is spontaneous and natural, in humans this is not always the case. Furthermore, culture, social environment, habits greatly influence attraction, therefore this cannot be attributed solely to a pheromone aspect” continues the expert.

The olfactory notes that most “attract”

ANDThere are olfactory notes that intrigue and arouse curiosity, amplifying interest and body language. For example, the spices. In particular, in men’s perfumes, pepper or juniper berries they give a brilliant touch, emphasizing in a seductive way every trail. This was confirmed by a survey conducted in 2022 by Fragranticaa portal specializing in perfumery which involved users in a very simple search: what is the most sensual masculine note?

Another very enveloping and intriguing note is the vanilla. And it’s no surprise: science has in fact already underlined that the scent of Vanilla is not only an anti-depressant but would tickle the male hormonal response.

Again according to research, other notes that are very popular are woody, warm and sensual ones. Tobacco, whiskey, black tea, wine, chestnuts are considered very enveloping and intriguingeven if what women like most is the sandalwood: it is no coincidence that it is used in tantric yoga to release sexual energy and transform it into spiritual.

Not least, musk and jasmine. Musk because it has a very sensual side, capable of embracing the natural aroma of one’s skin; jasmine, on the other hand, awakens hormones and, relieving tension, has a disinhibiting effect.

