Perfume in beauty care

In addition to atopic and sensitive skin, the base cream is effective for the dry skin of the whole family as well as for the precise moisturizing of the driest parts.

The favorite of Finns is the base cream

The base cream is a versatile number one product that should be found in every mirror cabinet or bedside table. Finnish and Nordic consumers appreciate the versatility, fragrance-free and the help offered by basic creams for many different skin needs.

– The Nordic and Finnish market for base creams is large in relation to the size of the countries. Precisely because here, due to our climate, the skin suffers more from drought than, for example, in the warm countries of southern Europe, and we have more atopic skin, says the Dermatologist Ville Kiiski.

Why choose a base cream?

There are dozens of different basic creams in the selection of pharmacies and shops. It is a handy help for almost everyone. The purpose of the base cream is to moisturize and care for the skin. Alternatives can be found from lighter for the whole body to ever thicker and fatter ones, which often target a specific problem area such as heels or folds.

– The skin dries out for various reasons, for example, winter conditions in Finland dry out even healthy skin. In the winter in Finland and throughout the Nordic countries, anyone benefits from the use of base creams, at least occasionally used, Kiiski continues.

Since basic creams can be found for a wide variety of skin and different areas of skin to be treated, it is good to find the right favorites for you. The season and the condition of the skin have a significant effect on what kind of cream you should choose for your current skin needs. Competent experts in choosing the right kind of base cream can be found in the pharmacy staff.

Use of a multi-purpose base cream

– Base creams are used when applying additional moisturizing to healthy skin or in the treatment of skin diseases as one of the most important treatments. For people with atopic skin, for example, base creams are an important part of treatment. The biggest difference between base creams and moisturizers is that the former are unscented and therefore have better tolerability for everyone, Kiiski explains.

What makes the use of some base creams problematic is that they are perceived as sticky and slowly absorbed. That is why it is important to choose the right type of cream for different skin areas.

For example, for facials and hairy skin areas, you should choose moisturizing, lighter base creams that do not support the hair follicles and are absorbed faster. Other areas of skin, on the other hand, need more caring or better moisture-binding products. Instead, the thickest and most greasy base creams, on the other hand, help even cracked or flaky areas of the skin, such as winter-dried hands or crumbs.

Sensitive and atopic people can also use some basic creams instead of soaps or shower gels to dry in a lotion, for example. It is also an excellent product for gentle makeup and eye makeup removal. In addition, the light base cream is also suitable for the treatment of dry and itchy scalp.

The most important tip for using base creams is to apply them after a shower. Namely, the greasing done immediately after washing binds moisture to the skin and this enhances the result of the greasing.

These basic creams offer help for a wide range of skin needs:

ACO Miniderm Duo base cream softens, moisturizes and gently strengthens dry skin. The cream is the result of six years of product development. The glycerol and urea it contains effectively bind moisture, strengthening the skin’s natural barrier and preventing moisture from evaporating. The fragrance-free base cream is suitable for the whole family. 21.80 e, Olo Pharmacy.

La Roche-Posay fragrance-free cream for effective moisturizing of dry skin. Absorbs relatively quickly despite its thick composition. The cream relieves itchy skin from dryness. Packed in an ecological cardboard tube, 22.50 e, University Online Pharmacy.

The Finnish natural brand Frantsila base cream is a convenient aid for the skin of the whole body. The cold-pressed organic oils and herbs contained in the pleasant cream effectively nourish and moisturize the skin. 25.10 e, Frantsila.

CeraVen’s 24-hour moisturizing, oil-free cream is suitable for dry and very dry skin. A rich, hypoallergenic cream suitable for the face and body. The fragrance-free cream strengthens the skin’s protective wall without clogging the pores. Also suitable for psoriatic skin. 19.90 e, University’s pharmacy.

Aveeno Dermexa Daily Emollient Detergent is an unscented aid for dry and sensitive skin in the shower. The soap-free product soothes dry and itchy skin, making it more comfortable to wash. Contains a prebiotic oat compound and ceramides to help improve the skin’s natural balance. 14.05 e, Online health pharmacy.

Aquion L, Finland’s favorite base cream, is a moisturizing, light and versatile product that works even on sensitive skin. The cream is suitable for the whole body and also for the face and all ages, for use by the whole family. The vegan, fragrance-free base cream is also ideal for gentle lotion washing and make-up removal. 9.80 e, Pharmacy Plus.

The rich and moisturizing domestic LV base cream contains glycerol as well as oils that help soften rough skin. The odorless product is colorless and suitable for daily use by people of all ages: including those with sensitive skin, allergies and atopies. The ointment is made in Finland and has been developed in cooperation with the Allergy, Skin and Asthma Association. 4.25 e, Prism.

The thick and rich Apobase Oily Creme base cream is an oily base cream that effectively moisturizes and retains moisture well, helping to treat very dry and sensitive skin areas. The very rich cream takes a little time to absorb, but is suitable for treating small skin wounds, cracks in the heels, dry noses and nail polish, among other things. It can also be used for infants. 5.34 e, Online pharmacy.

Product images: manufacturers.
