Pere Aragonès settles accounts with Junts for his departure from the Government

One month. That has been the period of time Pere Aragones has passed before publicly assessing the departure of Junts from the Government. A month, 33 days specifically, in which the ‘president’ must have bitten his tongue, perhaps, until seeing a certain willingness of the postconvergents to agree on the budgets of the Generalitat that, according to him, Junts itself has designed, and that of which it ignores. The reason that lit the spark was a question from the leader of Junts in Parliament, Albert Batet, S.basically, the presumed “uselessness” of the dialogue and negotiation table.

When Batet demanded that he specify the returns obtained from this table, Aragonès, already in the second turn, that is, no postconvergent replication possible, he dropped what, surely, he had saved for a few months. “The evaluations, when they touch. That is, on December 31”, in reference to the term agreed between the Government and the Government to advance in the dejudicialization. “We know that you are specialists in advancing exams. A consultation was pulled out of the sleeve to decide if the government pact was being fulfilled and they pulled an audit out of their sleeve that nobody has seen”, in reference to the internal study that sanctioned the alleged breaches of ERC in that pact.

Aragonès did not stop, splashing in that multi-frontal attack, even to the party president, Laura Borràs, today away from the presidency of Parliament. “And to evaluate,” she said, “I would like to know the result of your strategy of empty rhetoric” with the State. “The one that leads to proclaiming that no deputy was going to be suspended, to then leave him out and try to blame the entire chamber”, Aragonès cried in reference to the case of Pau Juvilla, in which Borràs ended up obeying the dictation of the Central Electoral Board.

Attacks on the PSOE Government

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There were also swords raised between the ‘president’ and the leader of the oppositionSalvador Illa. The socialist simultaneously extended his hand in terms of budgets with an inquisitive harshness against the ‘conseller’ (and former member of the PSC) Joan Ignasi Elena, on account of the discomfort in the Mossos d’Esquadra. And this Wednesday he asked for his resignation again. Aragonès seems to have replicated his tactic. For a few days, a hand has been outstretched in the budgets, even at a slow pace until those of the State are approved, and maximum harshness in matters of the Interior. Thus, Aragonès, in the control session, focused on showing his support for the head of the Interior and on ‘advising’ Illa. Specifically, he demanded that responsibilities be derived from the management of the Ministry of the Interior of the assault on the fences of Melilla of last June 24, in which a minimum of 23 people died, and about which new data has been known this week that compromise the version of the minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska that no action took place on Spanish soil.

And not only that. Aragonès required another ‘”stroke of rudder” in relation to the iInfiltration in independentist entities by the Interior. “If the Mossos infiltrated Catalan organizations”, he did not say so but it was clear that, following the reverse example, he was referring to the Juventides Socialistas, “you [a Illa] I would not only ask for Elena’s resignation, but also mine.”
