Pere Aragonès polishes his new Government with the incorporation of technical profiles

The president’ Pere Aragones polish the last fringes of the architecture of the new governmentmarked by the entry of technical profiles and for the possible merger of some Conselleries. Already untied from the obligatory balances that a coalition requires, Aragonès designs its Consell Executiu to measure, monocolor, with the aim of enduring a legislature with an expiration date in 2025. That, if there are no more setbacks and pending external support, by having with a brief support of 33 deputies, those of ERC, which means 24% of the parliament chamber.

The ‘comuns’ and the PSC are willing to support him to guarantee stability in Catalonia after the departure of Junts from the Government. Post-convergent off-hook offers a opportunity for a progressive majoritybut Esquerra wants to walk without ties, at least within the Consell Executiu.

In the cabals the names of Marc Ramentol for health and Natalia Mas for Economy, both veterans of the Catalan administration. What is being tied down is whether there is a merger of Conselleries, such as Justice and Interior, or Feminismes and Rights Socials. The objective, as communicated by the ‘president’, is that the Government represents 80% of Catalan society –the supporter of a referendum according to polls by the Generalitat- and not the 52% pro-independence vote in the last regional elections.

The economic and social agents

The forecast is that the changes can be made official this Sunday or Monday, so that they take office as soon as possible and on Tuesday they will celebrate their first Consell Executiu. This would allow Aragonès to avoid the image of a half team due to the absence of Junts and, at the same time, utmost diligence in resolving the conflict that affects the first Catalan institution. All the outgoing holders, those of Junts, have already put their positions at the disposal of the head of the Government and the publication of the dismissals in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya is expected “early next week”.

The ‘president’ will spend Sunday in Palau to prepare the remodeling, after having been “in contact with economic and social agents” this Saturday, according to sources from the Presidency. This is with prominent members of employers’ associations, unions and social entities, some in person and others by telephone.

The outstretched hand of ‘comuns’ and PSC

Despite being aware that JxCat will opt for a strong oppositionthe Republicans will try to seek your support, at least, for the budgets designed by their ‘conseller’ of Economy, James Giroalthough the secretary general of Jordi Turull point out to Aragonès that his only options are a a matter of trust or an election.

Turull assures that Aragonès only has two options: submit to a matter of confidence or call elections

Esquerra insists on rejecting the socialists to avoid being handcuffed to the Government of Pedro Sanchez, with no margin to be able to pressure later with its indispensable 13 deputies in Congress. That is why the party leader, Oriol Junqueras, already opened the door to a budget extension, to lengthen the pact forged last year with the ‘comuns’. And it is that as much as the reissue of the pact between the Government and En Comú Podem was practically ready, without the 32 votes of Junts it would not go ahead. But the leader of the purples, Jessica Albiachwarned the head of the Government that he should take care of potential partners and not expect a blank check, unconditional support without meeting their demands.

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With the 33 of the PSC there would be budgets in 2023, but Aragonès maintains what has been said, at least for now, despite the Salvador Illa’s insistent offer. “We are not friends of swerves or lurches”, he stressed to certify that he is not convinced by an electoral scenario, and insisted that “building an alternative does not mean saying no to everything”, for which he will continue “holding out his hand so that Catalonia has a country budget. “I am not rescuing the government, I am rescuing Catalonia,” Illa replied, after harsh criticism received from the PP and Cs headquarters with accusations of being “delivered & rdquor; Aragonès and being the “crutch of separatism”.

The end of the ‘process’?

The new Government does not have to alter the government plan, but the end of a decade of pro-independence alliances and the abandonment of Junts, with the consequent dependence on forces that are not clearly in favor of disengagement, alters a Catalan board whose majorities are will now move to the left. That is what the former secretary general of Junts and former leader of the ANC referred to, jordi sanchez, in declarations to TV-3 when he blurted out that the rupture of the Government “ends what until now had been identified as ‘procés'”. And it is that ERC no longer has to attend to the three demands that led to the departure of Junts from the Government, unless they are the result of an exchange of votes for the accounts. Although Aragonès could open up to dialogue, as he did from the hemicycle before the parliamentary leader of JxCat, Albert Batettthreatened him with a matter of confidence and thus dynamited the coalition.
