Pere Aragonès gives a blow of authority and dismisses the ‘vice president’ Jordi Puigneró after Junts’ offensive

The strokes of authority Pere Aragones with together are counted, but blunt. It happened with the post-convergence alignment for the dialogue table, a year ago, and this Wednesday, with the sudden dismissal of the vice president Jordi Puigneroto whom the ‘president’ does not forgive the “disloyalty” of knowing that Junts was going to threaten him with a question of confidence, in the general policy debate on Tuesday, and not having informed him of it. The head of the Executiu throws out, then, the visible head of the postconvergents in the Government, although he affirms that the rest of the ‘consellers’ do have his confidence, if they want to continue, of course. The Government, therefore, is in the air waiting for the Junts executive to decide first thing Thursday if she keeps the other six directors or if she breaks with Esquerra. In a statement, they have branded the decision a “historical error that endangers the continuity of the independence project.” Puigneró’s position remains vacant until it is the party itself that is in charge of proposing a candidate.

After an extraordinary Consell Executiu that has lasted for two hours and 20 minutes and a subsequent meeting of more than three hours with the general secretary of the post-convergence, Jordi Turull, the ‘president’ has made the final decision alleging “loss of confidence” at a time when the Government “must be cohesive” to face the effects of the socioeconomic crisis. Almost the same reason, to avoid instability, is the one that Aragonès has alleged to explain that he does not intend to attend to Junts’ request at all. Neither the three demands of the ultimatum that passed away last week, nor this semi-parliamentary threat, which only depends on him calling. Knowing that with each órdago, Junts gets closer to an internal division, he does not give up a meter.

Junts dismisses the cessation as a “historical error” and warns that it “jeopardizes the continuity of the pro-independence project”

According to Palau sources, the ‘president’ has asked each of the Junts ‘consellers’ “if they were aware of the proposal of the matter of trust and if they agreed with it”, a bold strategy to highlight the duality between Junts-Govern and Junts-partysince the owners of the six departments in their possession are not about to abandon them en bloc, unless the management forces them to do so.

granitic start

The ‘consellers’ of Junts have started the meeting in a “granite” position in defense of the party’s position, according to sources from the Generalitat. But, as the hours passed, the postconvergent representatives “began to show cracks in their unity.” only the vice president Puignero he knew in advance that a question of trust was going to arise, something that annoyed Aragonès extremely, since he had “explained the Canadian route both to the vice president and to the turull“Junts denies that such fissures had occurred.

“They have been disloyal,” the Republicans point out, justifying that Aragonès’s is a decision that they preferred Junts to have taken when criticizing the Government and its leader. And it is that, in Esquerra’s opinion, the dismissal of all the post-convergent ‘consellers’ was the solution sought by the partners with the aim of building the scenario that ERC is the ‘culprit’ of the divorce. “It is evident,” notes a loud Republican voice, “that Junts is looking for the red card.”

Esquerra will not yield in the three demands that brandishes the post-convergence to make the Republicans ugly lack of commitment to the government pact -the unity in Madrid, the dialogue table limited to amnesty and self-determination, and the strategic direction-, while JxCat ups the ante. It remains to be seen if, finally, they assume that only a motion of censure could fire the head of the Government and dissolve, at the same time, his team of ‘consellers’, for which an alternative with a presidential candidate would be required, submitting to the assessment of the plenary session.

The ‘president’ is convinced that his pragmatic roadmap -dialogue and negotiation- is the only one that is on the table today and that must be complemented with the canadian track to gather support in international community. Something that, for Junts, caused the rapid rejection of Moncloa and the “loneliness” of the head of the Government, who only convinced -and partially- the ‘comuns’.

41 of 74 deputies

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The post-convergence argument is that the ‘president’ is ignoring, that he has lost the support of 41 of the 74 deputies who endorsed him -including Junts and CUP- and that he is being forced to make decisions. Precisely the opposite of what Esquerra thinks, convinced that Together it’s breaking inside with offensives that they cannot fulfill because they will not leave the Consell Executiu. The party can crack if it fails to win this fight and get a gesture from Aragonès that allows them to explain that they must remain in the Government.

On the contrary, your pressure will become, again, a boomerang against their own ranks. Hence, despite the threat from the lectern of the hemicycle, the first swords begin to lower the tone. What is at stake is the stability of an Executiu in constant convulsion, but also the power and influence to face the electoral multicycle what is coming right now.
