Perception kills reality | News

Societies are becoming increasingly apathetic. All the social and political orders were transformed and it is necessary that we start from an idea: in these changing times, in order to start any attempt at an electoral campaign, exhaustive research is essential to allow us to connect with voters, understand their priorities and their needs. .

There is a new globality that has been expressed throughout the world through different scenarios of bankruptcy. Politics experienced deep shocks in digital times: now it’s fast and emotional. The reaction to the news is explosive, the indignation spreads. Everything is visceral, urgent, emotional, changing.

If we start from the base of societies that no longer believe in what politicians represent, the question arises by decantation: how do you get the vote of an unbeliever? In principle, working from the certainty that there are no more certainties.

Because the pandemic swept away the institutionalized, the comfortable, the stipulated. All leadership models were discussed. He old warlord He opened the way to a new leader profile that connects from sensitivity, from emotions. It is about a leader who does not walk ahead, but to the side.

The vote is very volatile, the voter moves until the last second before casting the ballot. In the midst of this volatility, the candidate must accompany this process with closeness, speed, cunning, and research. Like in a 100 meter race where both run on par.

The vote liquid It has taken over the scene and there are plenty of examples, especially in the last fifteen electoral campaigns, of politicians who ended up suffering, over time, the misfortunes of excessive confidence.

The thing is that the road the candidate is traveling on is not paved: the opinion, the sensation, the feeling of each one of his potential voters will undermine that road, making it explode at any moment.

For this reason, each political message has to be clear in the face of a confusing reality, where the role of a candidate is no longer just that of the one who raises and confronts the problems, but the one who can also build bridges.

Definitely, perception kills reality. It is vital to inquire about them. Get to the bottom of voter sentiment. Perceptions do not necessarily translate into votes, but they do shape reality and leaders are built on it.


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