People with disabilities enjoy the Amstelmeer: ​​”The waves are soothing”

It was almost impossible to imagine better conditions today: with a lovely sun and a wind force 4 to 5, a group of about thirty people with disabilities went on a sailing trip on the Amstelmeer. The outing, which is organized by Watersports Association Amstelmeer, the Marine Watersports Association and Team Sportservice, is primarily intended to provide the participants with a beautiful day, but also to teach them a little bit of the tricks of sailing.

People with disabilities enjoy the Amstelmeer – NH Nieuws

People with disabilities can sign up for the annual sailing trip, which has been canceled for the past two years due to corona. This time the interest was so great that a selection had to be made by the organization: people who had never attended before were given priority. Ultimately, the chosen ones were divided over three so-called B2 sloops: two-masters that are also used as rowing boats by the navy.

“All happy faces, that’s what it’s about”

wico tribe, skipper

The participants visibly enjoy the boat trip to the fullest. “I always find the water and the waves soothing,” says Monique Engel. “I struggle with epilepsy and then this is a nice distraction.” Martijn also appreciates the trip. “I don’t get seasick”, he reports with a broad grin. “And the big advantage is that you tan very quickly on a day like today!”

Skipper Wico ensures that the sloop, despite the wind force 4 to 5, does not tilt too much. “Because it shouldn’t be the case that my guests start shouting that they are afraid.” Incidentally, this works very well: the passengers have a wonderful day, as skipper Wico also noted with satisfaction. “I see all happy faces, that’s what matters.”

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