People still in isolation due to fear of corona

People still in isolation due to fear of corona

People still live in isolation to prevent infection with corona, even now that official measures against the disease no longer apply. They don’t go to visit, not to the theater or a restaurant. That is what the RIVM health institute says on the basis of further research into the results of the behavioral survey of March. This concerns 2 percent of the 35,000 participants.

The degree of social isolation varies from staying indoors completely to not going out or going out less often. People with disabilities are the most likely to stay at home: “Social isolation is six times more common among participants with severe immune disorders and almost three times more often among participants with other medical conditions than among participants without a medical condition.”

People also stay at home because they do not want to infect a loved one or because they are unsure about the risks they could run themselves. There is also a group that is a little more careful after the relaxation, but will gradually participate in social activities again.

Those who stay at home miss social contacts, feel lonely and misunderstood, the RIVM analysis further revealed. RIVM cannot state the size of the various groups.
