People on the street after Breda fire: ‘4 houses no longer habitable’

Several houses on Wilhelminastraat in Breda were evacuated on Wednesday night due to a blazing fire that broke out in an apartment above a shop. A lot of smoke was released during the fire. It went through the roof to other houses and buildings. The residents of the apartments have been sheltered outside.

The fire was discovered around 12:30 am but was still raging Thursday morning.

Because the fire brigade was unable to bring the fire on Wilhelminastraat under control, the nearby Parkstraat was closed in addition to Wilhelminastraat.

‘Four apartments are completely burned out’
“Water was pumped from the girths,” a 112 correspondent said. “The fire brigade was present with about ten vehicles to fight the fire. The fire was spreading at the back of this block. They were working there with all their might to get the fire out. Four apartments were badly damaged at the front. are completely burned out, you really can’t live there anymore. Two shops also suffered a lot of damage. They mainly have water damage, but the ceiling also came down in one of the two stores.”

An investigation is underway into how the fire broke out.

‘Still hours working on extinguishing’
At around ten past seven on Thursday morning, the fire brigade gave the signal to control the fire. But according to a spokesperson for the Safety Region, the fire brigade is still working on extinguishing the fire for at least a few hours.
