People from Drenthe are most committed to their village or neighborhood

A clean, green and safe living environment. Residents of Drenthe are the most actively involved in this. This is evident from research by research agency Motivaction, which was conducted on behalf of Katalys, a collective of advisors that helps active residents implement their plans.

The research showed that almost 150 thousand people from Drenthe are committed to their own environment every month. That corresponds to 39 percent of all adults in Drenthe. Nowhere in the Netherlands does a region score higher. It also appears that Drenthe participates most often in village or district councils compared to other provinces.

De Drent does experience obstacles to transforming that commitment into results. 71 percent of active Drenthe residents often encounter difficulties in improving the quality of life in their environment.

Of these obstacles, a lack of manpower is most often experienced. Almost a quarter see this as the biggest problem. That number is far above the national average of 14 percent. In second place is a lack of perseverance. Because a lot of work falls on the shoulders of a small group of initiators, it is difficult to keep the initiatives alive. One in ten people from Drenthe say they encounter this.
