Pentecost Three must be celebrated on a grand scale: in 2024 it will be Zaans Ontzet 450 years ago

The Zaan region has a unique holiday with Pentecost Three and you should cherish it, says Bas Husslage. That is why he and the PinksterZaan foundation are organizing a party program full of stories, theater and music on Whit Monday and the day after. And everything in the sign of the celebration of the Zaans Ontzet.

The Zaans Ontzet is the victory over the Spaniards on Whit Monday in 1574 with the help of the inhabitants of Purmerend. The day after the victory was a party in the Zaan. From then on, that day was called Pentecost Three.

Zaans Ontzet has been celebrated for centuries in the Zaan region and also in Purmerend. “Zaankanters went to the cattle market in Purmerend early on Pentecost Three and bought a bokkie or a goat there, as a tribute to the Purmerenders who had helped to beat the Spaniards,” says Husslage. “And many bokkie (drinks) were drunk in the cafes. The youth who were released from school then enjoyed themselves at the fair. Jisp’s in particular is notorious and well-known.”

Zaanse Schans

The Zaanse Schans, one of the places where the battle was fought at the time, is the place for entertainment this coming Whit Monday. Short plays are played, historical stories are told, cannonballs are fired and old crafts are exhibited.

Husslage is already anticipating next year’s Pentecost Three celebrations. Then it will be Zaans Ontzet exactly 450 years ago and Husslage really expects a big party. “We want to organize festivities at all 12 locations that were entrenched during the battle in the 16th century. In addition to the Zaanse Schans, for example, that is the place where the Zaantheater now stands and also the Bullekerk. That was a terp at the time.”

Day off

Another idea is to track down elderly people who still have vivid memories of their celebration of Pentecost Three. “Because the celebration has always been in motion,” says Husslage. He would prefer it to be a day off for everyone in the Zaan region. “Such a regional day off to celebrate freedom is unique.”

The entire program for May 29 and 30 can be viewed at
