Pentathlon: Obstacle course decision in November

The world association UIPM will decide next month whether the controversial show jumping in the modern pentathlon will be replaced by a discipline in an obstacle course. This was announced by the German UIPM President Klaus Schormann on Tuesday. At the association’s congress on November 12th and 13th, a vote will be taken.

Schormann was satisfied with the four test events organized this year with the alternative discipline. According to the President, he is certain “that our member associations will agree”.

Show jumping had become intolerable with the scandal surrounding the German athlete Annika Schleu at the Olympic Games last summer. Schleu had been on course for gold in Tokyo until her drawn horse refused to jump. In tears, she tried to bring the animal back into the course with spurs and whip, the pictures went around the world.

As a consequence, the cancellation of show jumping was announced in November, but according to the current status it will only take effect after the 2024 Summer Games in Paris. The sport is not yet part of the Olympic program for 2028.

Obstacle course to attract spectators

The decision to use the obstacle course, made popular by the game show Ninja Warrior, is said to improve the pentathlon’s odds as Los Angeles 2028 approaches. Air and earth obstacles have to be mastered on the course.

IOC President Thomas Bach recently said that the future of the pentathlon also depends on “how the association replaces the equestrian competition”. From the circle of the athletes there was already a strong objection. The interest group Pentathlon United complained that the executive of the world association ignored the majority opinion of the athletes. In a survey by Pentathlon United, among other things, they had spoken out in favor of retaining a discipline from equestrian sports.
