Pension contract for foxes superstar Mathias Gidsel

By Ulrike Krieger

This is the fastest contract renewal ever. After only five months in Berlin, Danish superstar Mathias Gidsel (23) has extended his contract with the handball foxes by 5 years – until 2028.

Before the top game against SC Magdeburg on Sunday, the capital club proudly announces: Gidsel will stay until 2028. A contract with a signal effect, because the foxes want to remain in the top group of the Bundesliga in the coming years.

Hans Lindberg and Mathias Gidsel from Foxes Berlin cheer

Dynamic Danish duo: Foxes Hans Lindberg (left) and Mathias Gidsel cheer together. But only this season, since Lindberg has to go in the summer Photo: City Press GmbH

The most coveted backcourt right in the world makes a clear statement about how comfortable he feels in Berlin and with the team. Gidsel, who only came from Danish champions GOG this summer, will now be chasing points for another five seasons for Berlin.

Fox boss Bob Hanning (left) and sports director Stefan Kretzschmar at the presentation of Kretzschmar in September 2019

Fox boss Bob Hanning (left) and sports director Stefan Kretzschmar can be happy about the coup Photo: dpa

The likeable Dane didn’t need any time to settle down in Berlin: “I was overwhelmed by the first few months here with the foxes, in the club, and by the fans and the city. I am all the more pleased to extend my contract here.”

Gidsel grateful for the trust

Gidsel is highly motivated and wants to achieve a lot in Berlin: “Fighting for the first German championship with this club and attacking as a challenger – that’s what drives me and what I want to work hard for with the team. I am grateful for the great trust.”

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At the age of 23, the Dane has already won the championship and cup in his homeland, world champion and also silver medal winner at the Olympic Games. There in Tokyo he was also MVP (“Most Valuable Player”) of the games.

Managing Director Bob Hanning (54): “Mathias Gidsel’s commitment is a sign both internally and externally. A player like Mathias is a source of inspiration for our team, also sets standards externally and shows that we are willing to measure ourselves against the top clubs over the next few years.”

Hanning continues: “Mathias fits the image of the foxes like no other player. The identification with our club created in such a short time and the same values ​​will definitely allow us to get even better in the years to come. This brings us a step closer to our goal of uniting our own offspring and international top stars.”

“Franchise Players”

Sports director Stefan Kretzschmar (49), who wrapped up the deal (without an exit clause), proudly said: “In America you would call a player like Mathias Gidsel a franchise player and I think he can be something like that. He’s someone who has an incredible mentality and can push a team enormously again. He made our team better. As foxes, we are incredibly proud that he has extended his contract with us.”
