“Pensioensparen in multimedia most popular options within cafetaria plan in 2022” | economy

Pension savings (31.5 pct) and multimedia (30.3 pct) are among the most popular options in the working neighborhoods within a cafetaria plan, a personalized package with extralegal values ​​that are available from dezer dagen. This is the conclusion of hr-services according to an analysis of the expected number of 15,000 works with a cafetaria plan in 2022.

Pensioensparen is a remaining option in the flexible management system: 31.5 percent of the cafetaria plan-keuzes gaat near the derde pensioenpijler. Since the army is pension savings from the largest stijger in Vergelijking with the previous year, toen still 22.1 percent of the work needs ervoor koos. “The rising popularity of the pension savings is too early to start thinking about the future. The corona crisis has to do with the fact that there is a roll in the game, but also the rising inflation in the Afgelopen area can be considered to be very high,” says Ellen Roelants van werknemers Acerta Consult.

The trend towards more telework has been that year also a duidelijke invloed op de keuzes, the workers maken within your cafetaria plan. Multimedia (30.3 pct tegenover 25.8 pct in 2021), wireless internet, gsm, laptop and extra shears, stijgen sterk in het lijstje met most gekozen voordelen, terwijl extra vacant days (12 pct) and mobiliteitsoplossingen (12.4 pct) has not become less popular. “Thuiswerk will ensure that more people are opted for than the Internet, PC and smartphone,” he says.

The segments of mobility solutions and vacancies offered that year due to popularity in, zo blijkt uit de cijfers. ‘Mobility’, value for vehicles of (used) wagons, from 17.2 percent to 12.4 percent. Het aankopen van extra vacant days was going to be 12 percent van de Keuzes, Tegenover 14.1 percent in 2021.

Toch geven the cijfers een Licht vertekend beeld, aldus Acerta. “As a worknemers ervoor kiezen om een ​​fiets of auto te finance via het cafetariaplan, then maken ze the keuze het jaar erna niet nog eens. A leasefiets of -auto heb je namelijk voor meerdere jaren”, aldus Roelants. The reason for this being an extra vacancy was then linked to the thuiswerk.

The largest daler in the cafetariaplan dit jaar zijn de warrants, aandelenopties die Werknemers het geven om aandelen van een bedrijf te kopen tegen een vooraf bepaalde prijs. The popularity of aandelenoptions within a cafetariaplan is that year by year, from 13 percent in 2021 to 7 percent in 2022.

“Stel jezelf eerst de vraag: hoeveel is an extra day lost me waard?” Our work expert over loon inruilen for sea vacant days” (+)

Bedrijfsfiets almaar popularder: waarom je je baas best voor fiets kan lateen meebetalen (+)
