Pence not prosecuted for classified documents in his home | Abroad

The documents were found by Pence’s attorney in January and turned over to the FBI. Pence stated that he was unaware that the documents were in his private home.

Previously, confidential documents had also been found in the private property of former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden. According to CNN, this is still being investigated.

Yesterday, the news channel wrote in the case that federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording from 2021. In it, Trump acknowledges that he kept a secret Pentagon document about a possible attack on Iran after he left the White House.

The Justice Department’s decision comes shortly before Pence announces his candidacy for president on June 7, according to US media. He will then become a direct competitor of Trump, under whom he was vice president from 2017 to 2021. The two worked closely together for years, but fell apart after Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol.

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