Penalties, military salute and assignment from … President: Kessie’s 5 years at Milan

Good the first and the same thread, the one that accompanied him for all these years and maybe he will do it until the last race. The coldness on penalties. In his career Kessie missed only 5 penalties out of 36, the rest have all entered. The first with the AC Milan shirt arrived at Ezio Scida in Crotone, August 2017, Montella on the bench and AC Milan three of a kind completed by Suso and Cutrone. A sporty life does. Of the 18 called up, only Calabria remained, Bonucci wore the captain’s armband. Kessie scores, smiles and cheers in her own way, with the military salute. Nobody calls him the “President” yet. It still parked in its place.


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