Pelicans mascot Pekko Pelikaani had to be interviewed

The Pelicans clarify the events of Saturday’s league match in the press release.

Pekko Pelikaani was reprimanded. Tomi Natri/AOP

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The SC league club Pelicans published a press release on Monday, which states that the club’s mascot Pekko Pelikaan behaved inappropriately in Saturday’s home match against Ilves.

Pekko caused aggravation after waving a pocket flag in front of the away supporters’ camp in the third period of the match. Pelicans won the match 5–1.

– Pekko Pelikaani has behaved unsportsmanlike when waving the flag in front of Ilveskannattije with his back to the rink. The matter has been reviewed together with Peko. As a result of the constructive feedback discussion, Pekko will in the future be aware of where and how to wave the support flag so that it stays within the bounds of good taste, Pelicans CEO Lauri Pöyhönen says.

According to the Lahtel club, Peko’s over-enthusiastic behavior was discussed with the security manager of the match event, orderlies and a representative of the Ilves fan group.

– Peko can be expected to continue to play tricks and energetic tricks. Peko’s most important task is to create a good feeling and a happy mind for the audience, states Pöyhönen.
